Our thoroughly tested, patent-pending system is the only intercom system for buildings that is fully integrated with top access control platforms. Never miss a lead! Our virtual host will record contact information from interested renters as well as show vacancies and self-guided tours. Also included is our maps for deliveries and guests, as well as multiple language options.
Installation is easy. The system requires a data connection, power, and connection to the electronic or magnetic door stripes.
Your security, and that of your residents, is of paramount importance to us. We adhere to the best practices, designed to protect and safeguard customer data. For sensitive data that flows through our system, we use 256-bit encryption, one of the most secure encryption methods available.

Our mobile app was designed for our on-the-go residents, with all needs located in a single location! Instead of having to navigate multiple login portals, residents can now have direct communication with their leasing office and property managers through our General Chat feature. Residents can also enjoy fast, efficient communication that enhances their overall lifestyle.
The Invictus mobile app also includes digital keys for residents and guests. Residents no longer have to worry about losing apartment keys and fobs, as they can now access digital keys through their phone.
Residents can also reserve amenities, such as the pool or courtyard, for personal use or small gatherings. Gone is having to walk into amenity spaces or the front desk to see if they’re in use. Residents can reserve a time no matter where they are and get the most out of their multifamily or apartment amenities.

Property managers no longer have to have multiple single service softwares when they have Invictus! Invictus puts all software services that property managers would need into one administrative backend. Gone is having to navigate multiple software services.
We break down the walls of communication between residents and property managers. Our all-in-one system includes a suite of renter tools to provide efficient and effective communication.
Invictus also gives the opportunity to create ancillary and shared revenue through our digital coupons and rental payment processing fees. We partner with local businesses in the area to offer digital coupons to your residents. Our administrative backend also offers payment processing and tracking through Heartland payment processing for your residents.